Tuesday, 22 October 2019

A New MoMA: Museum of Modern Art Reopens in New York

Opening in New York, the luminous new expansion of the Museum of Modern Art. Glenn D. Lowry, the director of MoMA, talks to us about the ideas and philosophy behind the creation of the new galleries and art installations and why connecting the museum back to Midtown Manhattan was so important.

Filmed and directed by Franco Di Chiera. Creative Producer & Editor: Paul James McDonnell. Stills Photographer: Steven Choo.
Executive Producer: Jeanne-Marie Cilento.

Next episode we interview the architect Charles Renfro, partner in the award-winning American firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro, who designed the new extension.

Please tap the icon on the video to watch fullscreen. Cover picture of the performance studio, the first to be integrated into a major museum, photographed by Steven Choo for DAM. 

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